About : David Kim

David was born in Seoul, Korea before moving at 8 months old to Southern California. His Father was performing post-graduate studies at an institution where David would enroll for his undergraduate degree, BIOLA University. David grew up like many Koreans in the Church, but he had seen transformation in his own life but more so in young middle school kids in the Korean Church, by the Holy Spirit, through preaching, in them reading, teaching, and expounding the Word.

After his undergraduate studies, David moved in the chaotic times of 2020 to Jackson, Mississippi to study in seminary. His parents had moved close by already.

In 2024, He began serving as a children’s pastor being in charge of over 70 children, and joined Atlanta Vision Church as the English Ministry Pastor at the start of 2025.

Of the Communion of Saints

1. All Believers, that are united to Jesus Christ their Head, by his Spirit, and by faith, have fellowship with him in his graces, sufferings, death, resurrection, and glory: and, being united to one another in love, they have communion in each other’s gifts and graces, and are obliged to the performance of such duties, public and private, as do conduce to their mutual good, both in the inward and outward man.

2. Believers by profession are bound to maintain a holy fellowship and communion in the worship of God, and in performing such other spiritual services as tend to their mutual edification; as also in relieving each other in outward things, according to their several abilities and necessities. Which communion, as God offers opportunity, is to be extended unto all those who, in every place, call upon the name of the Lord Jesus.

3. This communion which the saints have with Christ, does not make them in any wise partakers of the substance of his Godhead; or to be equal with Christ in any respect: either of which to affirm is impious and blasphemous. Nor does their communion one with another, as saints, take away, or infringe the title or propriety which each man hath in his goods and possessions.

Core Fundamental Beliefs

  1. Church had been instituted by God, not man

  2. The Incarnation (Jesus becoming man), is a call for all nations to Worship in Repentance

  3. Church is a differentiating mark regarding Christianity being more than a philosophy. It is where believers gather to acknowledge God as a regular and necessary practice for one’s own sane existence.